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How to stop Spider Mites in your Garden?

Writer: treedoctorusatreedoctorusa

To treat Spider mites in your garden, you can use various methods of management. Some of these are physical but the most effective is biological. Chemical control is possible if Spider mites have already developed serious damage to your plants or crops. There are some methods mentioned below to get rid of Spider Mites.

Physical Control

Weeding, removing of leaves and other organic materials that Spider Mites thrive in is an important part of Spider Mite Control. While you are weeding, remove all Spider Mites on the affected plants. Spider mites prefer light to dark-colored plants, so shrubs and flowers will be more difficult to Spider Mite control than vegetables or dark-colored plants like roses.

It can take years for Spider mites to build up in soil, so Spider mites usually only appear in the garden every second year. Spider Mites stay on the underside of leaves and are difficult to see with bare eyes. Spider Mite control will be easier if Spider Mites can't hide from you.

To get rid of Spider mites that have been hiding from you, you can wash your plants with lukewarm water and a stiff-bristled brush. Spider Mites will float on top of the water and Spider mite control will be easier. Spider mites also crawl up stalks so it is easier Spider Mite Control if you grab hold of the plant and give it a good shake.

Dusting with Spider Plant Spray is often used as Spider Mite control. Before shaking your plants, dust Spider Plants with Sticky Spider mite Killer Powder. Spider mites are easily killed by Spider Mite treatment when Spider mites are in an exposed position on the plants.

Chemical Control

Spider Mite control with chemicals is often more effective when combined with Spider Plant Spray, but it will result in Spider Mite treatment if they are not stopped Spider Mites. Spider Plant Spray will reduce Spider mite eggs but Spider mites are hard to control if Spider mites have already developed serious damage to your plants or crops. Spider Mite treatment often results in secondary infestations which are even harder Spider Mite control than before Spider Mites were Spider Mite treated.

Spider Mite Spider Plant Spray is more effective than Spider mites Spider Mite Treatment but also more dangerous. Spider mites are hard to sleep at night, so they will quickly strike back if you were to use chemicals.

Biological Control

Some of the most effective biological control measures are Predators and Parasites. Predatory Mites, Ladybugs and Lacewings will feed on other insects in your garden, including spider mites.

Spider mites are often drawn to the color red, so Ladybugs and Lacewings that have been fed on blood meal and dyed with Red food dye will be more effective than uncolored Ladybugs and Lacewings.

It is a good idea to have both Red Ladybugs and Lacewings as biological control so if the first batch of Red Spider mite predators doesn't work out, you can refer to spare Red Ladybirds for Spider Mite Control. If you don't have any spare Red Lacewings, you can make do with unpainted Lacewings for biological control of spider mites. You can turn your beetle Green with nail polish remover if you are in a hurry to get rid of the red lacewing.

Spider plants often eat insects you don't want Spider mites to eat. Spider plants Mites can also help control spider mites by exercising your Spider plants at the same time as you do (jump on it and shake and knock its pot over). If you go on vacation, you can ask a friend to care for your plants and provide a little extra help in the Spider Mite Control department. Spider Plants often eat aphids as well as spider mites, so it is important to make sure there aren't any Aphids on your Spider Plant before placing it with other insects. If you have Spider mites aphids, you can use your spider plant to control both species of pests.

If you are looking for a natural way to deal with your garden pests, try adding coffee grounds. Spider mites love the acidity of the soil and find it easy to make their home there while sucking nutrients from plants. Coffee grounds contain high levels of nitrogen that can help fertilize your plants while discouraging these garden invaders. You may also want to consider spraying water on any leaves or stems where spider mites have been spotted in order to kill them off without damaging other parts of your plant life. Have you tried this technique? Did it work? Let us know what worked best for you! And if you want a professional to treat your plant feel free to contact Tree Doctor. Our experts are always available for you and help you to get rid of spider mites.



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